The company :

The shop is an e-commerce site. It is open to any user of the internet network at It is published by Laboratoires Cosmetics et Parfumeurs Associés (LCPA), a company with a capital of 38,112.25 euros, witch headquartered is locared in Miramas, registered with the Trade and Companies Registry (RCS) of Salon de Provence under number 404201915.The site allows LCPA to offer for sale perfumes and personal care products to users browsing the site.È

The customer :

The buyer, prior to his order, declares to have full legal capacity, allowing him to engage under these terms of sale. Any order of a product proposed on the site supposes the consultation and the express acceptance of the present general conditions of sale, without this acceptance being conditioned by a handwritten signature on the part of the user. In accordance with the provisions of Articles 1316 to 1316-4 of the Civil Code, supplemented by Decree No. 2001-272 of 30 March 2001, made for the application of Article 1316-4 of the Civil Code and relating to the electronic signature, it is recalled that the validation of the purchase order constitutes an electronic signature which has, between the parties, the same value as a handwritten signature. The products are offered for sale in all geographical areas. It is specified that the user can save or print the present terms of sale, provided however that they are not modified.

The application of terms of sales :

The purpose of these terms of sale is, firstly, to inform any potential consumer of the terms and conditions under which the seller proceeds with the sale and delivery of the products ordered and, secondly, to define the rights and obligations of the parties in connection with the sale of products by the seller to the consumer. They apply without restriction or reservation to all sales by LCPA of the products offered on its website. The company LCPA reserves the right to modify at any time these terms of sale. In this case, the applicable conditions will be those in force on the date of the order by the buyer.

The product offer :

The products are goods defined in the sales catalog of the website LCPA reserves the right to modify its offers at any time. They are only valid for an immediate response and within the limits of available stocks. In accordance with Article L. 111-1 of the Consumer Code, the user can, prior to his order, take note, on the site, essential characteristics of the products he wants to order . The buyer selects one or more products among the different categories offered on the website of the LCPA Laboratory. The product offerings presented by LCPA on its website depend in particular on the constraints related to its suppliers. In case a product is changed, the graphic representation of it will not engage the responsibility of the seller or even affect the validity of the sale.

The prices :

The selling prices of the products online on the site, indicated in euros, are those in force at the time of the registration of the purchase order by the buyer. They do not include shipping and order processing fees, charged in addition to the price of products purchased according to the amount of the order. The shipping costs will be indicated before the order is registered by the buyer. Prices include the value-added tax (VAT) applicable on the day of the order and any change in the applicable rate will automatically be reflected in the price of products sold by LCPA on its website. The selling prices of the products may be modified by the company LCPA at any time.

Browsing inside the site :

The user can take note of the various products offered for sale by the LCPA Laboratory on its website It can navigate freely on the different pages of the site, without being committed under an order. The user retains the telecommunication costs when accessing the Internet and using the site.

Order :

Any order implies the unrestricted and unreserved acceptance of these terms of sale. From the moment the buyer has registered his order by ticking the box "I have read the terms of sale and I adhere to it without reserve. (Read the Terms of Sale) and clicking on" Order ", it is considered to have accepted knowingly and without reserve the present  terms of sale, prices, volumes and quantities of the products offered for sale and ordered.

At any time, the buyer can:

- get a summary of the products he has selected or modify his order, by clicking on "See my basket" accessible at the top right of each page,:

- continue to select products by clicking on the icon "Continue my shopping",:

- complete the selection of products and order them by clicking on "Order".

To order the products he has chosen, the buyer will click on "Order". A summary of his order will appear on the screen. If the list presented to him corresponds to the products he has chosen, the buyer will validate the settlement mode. If it is not already identified, the buyer must then identify himself, either by entering his e-mail address and his password, or by filling in exactly the form at his disposal, on which he will make include the information necessary to identify him with his name, first name, postal address. The buyer is informed and agrees that the seizure of any identifier is proof of his identity and expresses his consent. Once identified, a purchase order will appear on the screen, summarizing the details of the order: nature, quantity and price of the products selected by the buyer, as well as the total amount of the order, the buyer's details, the delivery address of the products.

Final validation of the order :

After having read the status of his order, and once all the requested information has been completed by the buyer, the latter will click on the box "Order" to pay for his order. He will choose the means of payment that he wishes to use to pay for his order, it being understood that the buyer must have the means of payment as defined in Article 4. Hereinafter, he will click on the corresponding button by means of payment he has chosen. The sale will be considered final only after sending the buyer the confirmation of the order by the company LCPA and collection by it of the full price. LCPA recommends that the buyer keep this information on a paper or computer document. Any order fraudulent or presumed as such, will be considered by the company LCPA as null and void.

Choice of the products :

The buyer having taken knowledge of the products and their characteristics, marketed by the company LCPA, has under its sole responsibility and according to its needs as they previously determined before any order, made its choice on the product (s) subject of his order. In addition, the buyer knowing only the products he owns and uses, is the only judge of the compatibility of the products ordered with those used by himself. It is the sole responsibility of the purchaser, if he does not consider himself competent enough, to be assisted by counsel.


General rules

The products will be delivered to the address indicated by the buyer on the order form. By default, invoices are transmitted to the e-mail address specified by the customer when they are registered. Failure to comply with the procedures set out below, no claim of the buyer will be accepted.

Features of the COLISSIMO system of the post-office :

The buyer is delivered to his home by his postman. In case of absence, the buyer or the recipient of the ordered product receives a notice of passage of his postman, which allows him to withdraw the products ordered, at the nearest post office, for a period of fifteen days.

The buyer is obliged to check, in the presence of the postman or the deliveryman, the state of the packing of the goods and its contents on delivery. In the event that the buyer has any doubt of any nature whatsoever about the condition or the contents of his parcel, he is obliged:

- to apply the Colissimo procedure (in particular to report the damages due, all claims and reserves) and to reject the goods by immediately issuing a statement of anomaly to the post office worker or to the nearest post office within 48 hours after receipt of the package;

- to report these incidents within 48 hours to the company LCPA to specifying the order number.È

Delivery times :

Delivery times, following the validation of your order, are as follows:

- Colissimo of the french POST OFFICE: for France 2 to 3 working days, for other countries 4 to 8 working days.

Unavailability of the products :

Products are offered within the limits of available stocks. In case of unavailability of one of the products, the buyer will be informed at the earliest. This information may be notified to him, as far as possible, as follows:

- when establishing his order;

- following the validation of his order, prior to delivery, by e-mail. The LCPA company will then make the necessary with the Banque Populaire to subtract the price (s) unavailable product (s) to the amount withdrawn from the bank account of the buyer, if the payment was made by plastic.

In case of payment by check, the company LCPA will refund by check the overpayment. In all the aforementioned cases, the buyer will have the opportunity to cancel his order by requesting either the refund of the sums paid within thirty (30) days at the latest after their collection, by e-mail send to , or the exchange of unavailable products. In case of exchange of product, the delivery costs will be borne by the consumer.È

Payment :

Payment must be made when ordering by the buyer. At no time, the sums paid can not be considered as a deposit or installments. All orders are payable in euros. The buyer guarantees the company LCPA that he has the necessary authorizations to use the payment method he has chosen, when registering the purchase order. The company LCPA reserves the right to suspend or cancel any order and / or delivery, whatever its nature and level of execution, in case of non-payment of any sum that would be due by the buyer, in case payment incident or in the event of an existing dispute with the buyer. Penalties of an amount equal to the legal interest rate plus five points are automatically applicable to amounts unpaid after a period of ten days from the date of invoice or notification of the rejection of bank payment for any other means of payment. The delivery of any new order may be suspended in case of late payment of a previous order and notwithstanding the provisions hereof. For any payment, the company LCPA reserves the right to request a photocopy of the identity card of the buyer and, where appropriate, that of the holder of the means of payment used by the buyer. For amounts exceeding 400 euros (VAT include), LCPA reserves the right to request a certified photocopy of an identity document. As part of the fight against fraud on the Internet, information about your order may be forwarded to any third party for verification. To pay for the order, the buyer has the following payment methods: credit card, bank or postal check issued by a French bank, transfer or money order. These modes of payment may vary depending on the country of the buyer.

- Credit cards accepted on the site are: Carte Bleue, Visa and Master Card.Payments can be made by credit card SSL (Secure Socket Layer) so that the information transmitted is encrypted by software and no third party can be aware during transport on the network. In case of payment by credit card, the account of the buyer will be debited the day of his order.

- Any payment method accepted by Paypal

- Checks accepted are bank or postal checks issued by a French bank:In case of payment by check, the buyer will write his check payable to LCPA. He will specify his order number on the back of the check. He will send this check by mail to the following address:LCPA – ZI Les Molières- Avenue du Royaume Uni-13140 MIRAMASLCPA will send the products no earlier than 5 working days after receipt of the check for the said order, subject to provisions. The cancellation of the order before sending the check is possible by simply sending e-mail to customer service of LCPA by specifying the order number.

- Money transfers or postal money orders:In the case of payment by bank transfer or money order, the buyer will issue his order of the order number concerned. The LCPA Laboratory will send the products upon receipt of funds corresponding to the said order.È

Rétractation law :

In accordance with Article L. 121-20 of the Consumer Code, the buyer has a period of fourteen clear days from the date of receipt, to return, at its expense, products ordered for reimbursement. Products must be returned to LCPA at the expense of the buyer. When a buyer returns products, any risk related to the return of the product is the responsibility of the buyer. If the above conditions are fulfilled, LCPA will exchange the product or refund to the buyer, within thirty days, the sums corresponding to the products acquired by him.The products must in no case have been opened and must have their original packaging intact.

Return of products :

To return an item, the buyer must first contact LCPA to inform them of the reason for the return. LCPA will not accept parcels sent by postage due. After verification of the product by its quality department, the company LCPA will proceed to the exchange or refund.

Réserve de propriété :

LCPA conserve la propriété pleine et entière des produits vendus jusqu'au parfait encaissement du prix, en principal, frais et taxes compris.

Legal notice and legal clauses :

Data Protection lawThe information of personal information collected in the context of distance selling is mandatory, this information is necessary for the processing and delivery of orders and for the preparation of invoices. This information is strictly confidential. The lack of information implies the automatic rejection of the order. In accordance with the law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, the files and the liberties, the treatment of the nominative information collected on the site was the object of a declaration near the National Commission of the Computer Science and Freedoms (CNIL) (in progress). The user has a right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning him. To exercise this right, the user must send a postal letter to LCPA Avenue du Royame Uni- ZI Molières- 13140 Miramas- France. LCPA reserves the right to place cookies on the computer of visitors to its website. a cookie does not allow us to identify you. It is a computer file, stored on the hard disk of the user's computer. Cookies are used by only for the purpose of ensuring the proper functioning of the services offered to the user.

Intellectual property :

All the elements of the website are the intellectual and exclusive property of the company LCPA. In application of the French code of intellectual property and, more generally, international treaties and agreements containing provisions relating to the protection of copyright, no one is authorized to reproduce for a use other than private, sell, distribute, issue, distribute, adapt, modify, publish, communicate in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, the data, the presentation or the organization of the site or the works protected by copyright that appear on the website www without the prior, special written permission of the copyright holder attached to the work, presentation or organization of the site or the reproduced data.The user who has a website in his personal capacity has the option of placing on his site a simple link directly to the homepage of the site This authorization does not mean an implicit agreement of affiliation.

Liability :

LCPA can not be held responsible of the failure of the contract in case of out of stock or unavailability of the product due to a case of force majeure, disruption or total or partial strike including postal services and means of transport and / or communications. The company LCPA can not be responsible for any loss of data, files. It is up to the buyer to make all the necessary backups. The website also contains information from third parties, and links to other sites. LCPA can not be held liable for damages resulting from the use, access to, or inability to use such third party information or the content of other websites.

Litigation :

Sales of products offered by LCPA are subject to French law. Any dispute relating to the interpretation, execution or termination of the contract concluded between LCPA and the buyer, even in the event of multiple defendants, will, in the absence of amicable agreement, be the exclusive jurisdiction of the court.

No validity and no waiver :

Partial no validity :
If one or more stipulations of the present general terms of sale are held for invalid or declared as such under a law, a regulation or following a final decision of a competent jurisdiction, the other stipulations will keep all their strength and reach.

No waiver :
The fact for one of the parties not to claim a breach with the other party to any of the obligations referred within these terms of sale can not be interpreted for the future as a waiver the obligation in question.

Customer service :

For any information, the customer service is at your disposal by email at It is also possible to contact us via the contact form available in the contact section..